Portrait photograph

Clare Greene

Creek House,
Minane Bridge,


Diploma in Ceramic Design from the Crawford College of Art and Design.
Studio Pottery and Gallery at Ringabella since 1996.

Throwing porcelaine and stoneware has gradually been replaced by Figurative Ceramics, bird forms (egret/cormorant/ cockerel/sparrowhawk/swallows….), garden sculptures-seed pods/flower heads, soundshapes, large singing heads, and female nude based pieces…etc

My method of working is to look at an idea/subject that interests me and work on it until I come up with some satisfying results.

I use a wide range of clays and firing temperatures and use a gas kiln. I am currently looking at lower melting point glazes.

I have a gallery attached to the studio with a large display of work for sale , so, visitors are very welcome – but please ring in advance.



Creek House,
Kilbeg, Ringabella
Minane Bridge, Cork,

Call Clare

(353) +87 3145404